
pydantic model stantic.models.Datastream[source]#

Bases: Entity

field ObservedProperty: Link [Required]#
field Sensor: Link [Required]#
field Thing: Link [Required]#
field observationType: str [Required]#
field unitOfMeasurement: Unit [Required]#
pydantic model stantic.models.Entity[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

STA base model

field description: str [Required]#

Description of the entity (long-form).

field id: Optional[int] = None#

The id is issued by the FROST server once the entity is posted.

field name: str [Required]#

Short and unique name of the entity.

field properties: Any = None#
pydantic model stantic.models.Location[source]#

Bases: Entity

STA location entity

field Things: Optional[List[Link]] = []#
field encodingType: Literal['application/geo+json'] = 'application/geo+json'#
field location: LocationGeo [Required]#
field properties: LocationProperty [Required]#
pydantic model stantic.models.LocationGeo[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Location coordinates

field coordinates: Tuple[float, float] [Required]#

The geographic location (lon, lat).

field type: Literal['Point'] = 'Point'#
pydantic model stantic.models.ObservedProperty[source]#

Bases: Entity

Observation properties

field Datastreams: Optional[List[Link]] = []#
field definition: str [Required]#
field properties: Property [Required]#
pydantic model stantic.models.Sensor[source]#

Bases: Entity

STA sensor entity

field Datastreams: Optional[List[Link]] = []#
field encodingType: str [Required]#
field metadata: str [Required]#
field properties: SensorProperty [Required]#
pydantic model stantic.models.SensorProperty[source]#

Bases: Property

Sensor properties

field offset: float [Required]#


field pid: str [Required]#

The device ID in the institutes registry.

field sn: str [Required]#

The serial number of the device (issued by the manufacturer).

pydantic model stantic.models.Thing[source]#

Bases: Entity

STA thing entity - a measurement tower or field station

field Datastreams: Optional[List[Link]] = []#
field Locations: Optional[List[Link]] = []#
field properties: ThingProperty [Required]#
pydantic model stantic.models.ThingProperty[source]#

Bases: Property

Thing properties

field data_person: Person [Required]#

The person handling the data acquisition and/ or processing.

field id: str [Required]#
field project: str [Required]#
field qaqc_person: Person [Required]#

The person handling the data quality control.

field science_person: Person [Required]#

The person in charge of scientific questions (usually the PI).

field station_id: str [Required]#
field tech_person: Person [Required]#

The person responsible for technical maintenance.

pydantic model stantic.models.Unit[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Scientific unit

field definition: str [Required]#

A proper definition if necessary.

field name: str [Required]#

Name of the unit.

field symbol: str [Required]#

Scientific symbol.